Mathew Walker's profile

Some Weedkillers Kill More than Weeds - Campaign

Some Weedkillers Kill More than Weeds
I conducted a survey at a local garden centre and found that customers were unaware of the discrepancy between weedkillers that are harmful to bees and those that have no effect.

My campaign aims to educate consumers about the negative impact some weedkillers can have on bees, by using posters that exaggerate these effects and encouraging the use of bee-friendly weedkillers, identified by the bee friendly symbol on packaging.
Bee friendly symbol, development and outcome.
The illustration of bee stripes is immediately identifiable and thus effective for an unaware consumer to easily understand when shopping for weedkiller

The heart at a slant, almost in motion, adds a sense of unity and understanding between humans and bees, further reinforcing the message of kindness and care towards these important pollinators.
Poster development
I used over the top weapons to shock and grab the attention of the viewer, emphasizing the potentially harmful effects of certain weedkillers on the environment, specifically bees. The inclusion of the Roundup logo further emphasizes the message, drawing a clear connection between the brand and the negative consequences depicted in the design.

This serves to educate and raise awareness among consumers to help them make more informed purchasing decisions and choose bee-friendly weedkillers.
Some Weedkillers Kill More than Weeds - Campaign

Some Weedkillers Kill More than Weeds - Campaign
